E nga mana, e nga reo, e nga karangamaha, haere mai!
Ko Heidi Hayward tōku ingoa,
Ko te tumuaki o te kura o Dunedin North Intermediate.
You may have seen our values displayed upon our buildings?
These values drive our daily practice and inform the profile of a Year 8 leaver.
Kia Māia - Be courageous and independent
Dream Big - We promote creative, curious, happy learners
Integrity - Kotahitaka, Manaakitaka, Kaitiakitaka
On this website, you can read more about these values and how they will inform the education we plan for your child over the two years they'll attend DNI.
Our school is student centered and wherever possible we aim to give students the opportunity to lead and self manage, initially with support, to ensure they are ready for the challenges they'll face at high school.
Ngā mihi
Heidi Hayward