Summer Sports Term 1, 2025 - TBC

For sports information, draw links and information on up and coming DNI sports events  click here


Te Kīwai Sports Funding:

Te Kīwai, Sport New Zealand Ihi Aotearoa and Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu have partnered to distribute Te Kīwai funding. This fund is designed to benefit Māori aged 5 - 18 years of age who are struggling to take part in physical activity due to cost. This fund is open to Whānau who reside in Te Waipounamu (South Island). Applications may include funding for uniform, subscriptions/fees, petrol support or equipment costs associated in taking part in physical activity and sports.

You may apply for up to a total of $300 per eligible tamariki/rangitahi per annum.